Arcadia School in Dehradun is a co-educational private unaided institution that imparts education to the students from class 1 to 8. The medium of instruction is English. The school imparts quality education to its students through its academics while at the same time give importance to sports and co-curricular activities.It is one of the best schools in Dehradun.
This school in Uttarakhand aims at making a strong foundation of education along modern lines and a spirit of service to the country in children. Special attention is taken to develop the character and integrity of a child.
The Arcadia School Dehradun Curriculum
The curriculum of Arcadia School is based on continuous & comprehensive evaluation (CCE) as advised by the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi. This new method is aimed at bringing vast changes from the traditional chalk and talk method. It is one of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun.
The Arcadia School Dehradun Facilities
The facilities at Arcadia School in Dehradun are as follows:
- Well-stocked Library
- Vast playground
- Transportation facilities
- 1:60 Student –Teacher Ratio