Dehradun, an education hub in India is organising Dehradun Educators Summit 2016 on 3rd September 2016 at The Solitaire Hotel, Dehradun. The event will be hosted by and will notice the attendance of over 250 delegates, 75 Individual Schools Chairman/ Directors and Principals of Uttarakhand.
The event will also hold Uttrakhand School Merit Awards 2016 ‘Rewarding Excellence in Education’ in the K-12 sector, in the presence of participating schools of Uttarakhand.
Keynote Speeches:
- Schools and special olympics - The perfect pinacolada.
- Inspiring spaces for effective learning.
Panel Discussion:
- Building Learners Profiles in Early Year.
- Teaching and leading beyond boundaries.
- Common Core curriculum across schools will help the schools in India to bring uniformity.