1. College Of Agribusiness Management, GBPUAT
College of Agribusiness Management (CABM) added one more chapter in the golden history of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, the leading Agriculture University in India.The College of Agribusiness Management (CABM) found agribusiness as a tool to sharpen the edges of the agriculture system in the country. It took the onus to develop and hone the techno-managers. CABM is keeping an eagle eye on the market and its changing environment so that it can mould itself and it

2. College Of Agriculture, GBPUAT
College of Agriculture is the most prestigious constituent of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. The college came into existence with the inauguration of Pantnagar University on 17th November 1960. It performs a dynamic and innovative education programme to meet the modern challenges of scientific manpower, vital and relevant research and effective extension services.The College of Agriculture provides an atmosphere not only for healthy academic activities but also f

3. College Of Basic Sciences And Humanities, GBPUAT
The College of Basic Sciences and Humanities has been one of the main constituents of the University, shouldering 15% to 32% of the Undergraduate and 15% to 46% of the Postgraduate instructional responsibilities in all the academic programmes. Postgraduate programmes in basic and applied sciences are run excellently. The significant work has been recognized by the University Grants Commission by enlisting it for funding under 2 (f) clause of the UGC Act.

4. College Of Fishery Sciences, GBPUAT
The College of Fishery Sciences established in 1985, at G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India is one of the premier institution, especially in the Inland Fisheries Sector, catering to professionally trained manpower, development of fish production technologies, transferring the technologies to fish culturists, entrepreneurs and the industry.

5. College Of Forestry And Hill Agriculture, GBPUAT
College of Forestry and Hill Agriculture was developed to for improving agro-socio-economic conditions of the hill people the necessary research and development programs must be carried out in the hill region itself. This way the outcome of such work will be best suited to the agro-climatic condition of the hills. The establishment of Hill Campus at Ranicahuri in district Tehri Garhwal is the net outcome of this genuine thinking on the part of the State Government and G. B. Pant University

6. College Of Home Science, GBPUAT
The College of Home Science was established in July 1971 under GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. The College offers B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in various disciplines of Home Science and aims to groom youth as enterprising, promising and confident young men and women to face challenges of career and life.

7. College Of Post Graduate Studies, GBPUAT
The College of Post Graduate Studies was established in 1963 with Master’s Programmes in 12 departments of Agriculture and Basic Science. The College of Post Graduate Studies is part of the famous Pantnagar University - GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology.The Ph.D. programme commenced in 1965 in College of Post Graduate Studies. This is one of the important college of the University having students for Master’s and Ph.D. degree programmes. The college is spread over in the dep

8. College Of Technology, Pantnagar
The College of Technology came in to existence in G.B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology in 1966 and College of Agricultural Engineering was merged in to it. The College of Technology, an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution, is privileged to have a well qualified and experienced faculty with judicious mix of creative, talented and committed academicians. A large number of faculty members hold Ph.D. degree in their respective fields from national and international institutions of rep

9. College Of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, GBPUAT
College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences at Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand of GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology(GBPUAT) emerged as role model for excellence among the thirty-four other Veterinary Colleges in India.The College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (CVAS) was established in1960 as one of the constituent Colleges of the first and the foremost agricultural university of India, the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. The College with all i

10. GB Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology
G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUA&T) is the first agricultural university of India. It was inaugurated by Jawahar Lal Nehru on 17 November 1960 as the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University (UPAU). Later the name was changed to Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in 1972 in memory of the great freedom fighter Govind Ballabh Pant. The University was declared as the best among all the other State Universities in India, in 1997. The University li

11. Institute Of Biotechnology GBPUAT
The Institute of Biotechnology (erstwhile State Vaccine Institute established in 1903, transferred to the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar on 19th October 2005) at Patwadangar is located on Delhi-Nainital highway 9 km before Nainital in the State of Uttarakhand in India at an average altitude of 1600 meter.The Institute is well recognized in the area of hands on training programmes on frontier areas of biotechnology in which a number participants from diverse scienti

12. Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali College Of Horticulture, GBPUAT
It is the youngest college of the Pant university situated in the lap of Himalayas at Bharsar (Pauri Garhwal).To consummate the goal this College came into existence on June 12, 2001 as Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali College of Horticulture, at Bharsar, District Pauri Garhwal. The meaning of Bharsar in local dialog is ‘flourished with natural wealth’. It is spread over in an area of around 175 hectares consisting of forest and horticulture area on 104 and 71 hectares, respectively at an altitud