1. Alpine Institute Of Management & Technology
AIMT (ALPINE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY) under the aegis of ALPINE INSTITUTE OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES has advanced in its yesteryears towards imparting quality and value added education, supported by one of the best, state of the art lab facilities and top of the line educationists and experts. ALPINE is surging and adding on continuously note worthy achievements to its present endeavors, B.Sc. Hotel Management and M.Sc. Biotech are such added in the recent past.

2. Beehive College Of Advance Studies
Beehive College of Advance Studies, one of Northern India's premier institutes. Beehive College of Advance Studies, established in 2002 and affiliated with H. N. B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Uttarakhand, has become a centre of excellence, a base for scholarship and high quality professionally oriented education, research, training, and consultancy.To achieve its goals, the college combines the expertise, insight, and experiences of both its highly qualified core faculty and visiting faculty d

3. Beehive Group Of Colleges
Beehive Group of Colleges is a prestigious education institution in Uttarakhand. It is a private college dedicated to producing outstanding future professionals. It is located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. It was founded in 2002 as the Beehive Educational Society. Beehive College is well-known for providing excellent engineering, management and medical education. Beehive has evolved into an exceptional centre, a foundation for scholarship and high-quality professional education, research, training,

4. BFIT Group Of Institutions
BFIT Group of Institutions is a popular name in the field of professional education in Dehradun. Known as one of the top colleges in Dehradun, BFIT is center of education for students from more that 40 countries making it hub of culturally diverse Institution in Dehradun.Located in the edcuation city of Dehradun, in Sudhowala at Chakrata road, BFIT Doon offers various Diploma, Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in the field of Biotechnology, Food Technology, Geology, Information Technology

5. Chinmaya Degree College
The Chinmaya Degree College is located in the holy town of Haridwar, Uttarakhand. The Chinmaya Degree College is accredited to H.N.B. Garhwal University; Srinagar was constituted in the year of 1989 for the progress of the higher education in the regional area. The college was established by the name of Swami Chinmayananda. In the past 21 years the well maintained and most reputed college has earned vast significance in the field of innovative education not even in India but in abroad too.

6. College Of Basic Sciences And Humanities, GBPUAT
The College of Basic Sciences and Humanities has been one of the main constituents of the University, shouldering 15% to 32% of the Undergraduate and 15% to 46% of the Postgraduate instructional responsibilities in all the academic programmes. Postgraduate programmes in basic and applied sciences are run excellently. The significant work has been recognized by the University Grants Commission by enlisting it for funding under 2 (f) clause of the UGC Act.

7. Dolphin (PG) Institute Of Biomedical & Natural Sciences, Dehradun
Known for the focused programmes and high academic standards in Biomaedical and Natural Sciences, Dolphin (PG) Institute is a best Bio-Science institute located at Manduwala near Sidhhowala in Dehradun. Dolphin (PG) Institute of Biomedical & Natural Sciences established in 2002 and offers a research based study in subjects related to modern sciences. Dolphin (PG) Institute, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) provides quality education to students of Biomedical and Natural Science in its highly infrastru

8. Graphic Era University
Graphic Era University (earlier known as Graphic Era Institute of Technology) is a private engineering institution in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. G.E.I.T. had a small beginning in 1993 as Graphic Era Computer Center. The school started offering courses in technology in 1998. In 2001, it started offering engineering courses in Computer Science, Information Technology and Electronics and Communication. Graphic Era University was accredited A grade by NAAC.G.E.I.T offered its first graduate cours

9. GRD IMT (Life Sciences) Biotechnology
GRD (PG) Institute of Management & Technology Life Sciences is located on Rajpur road, Dehradun in the idyllic surroundings of the foothills of Mussoorie, famously known as the "Queen of Hills". The Institute is easily approachable just 5 Kms. from the Clock Tower, the central point of the city. The institute is managed by Guru Ram Dass Education Trust, registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act 1860.The institute offers students the very best of Residential & Day boarding fa

10. Himalayan Institute Of Technology, Dehradun
Himalayan Institute of Technology located in Dehradun is affiliated to HNB Garhwal Central University & Sridev Suman University, Uttarakhand that is recognized by UGC, Ministry of HRD and Government of India.Himalayan Institute of Technology (HIT) offers an array of courses relating to different fields of education. The institute follows dynamic learning approach where students are exposed to industry interface for a real time experience.

11. Institute Of Biotechnology GBPUAT
The Institute of Biotechnology (erstwhile State Vaccine Institute established in 1903, transferred to the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar on 19th October 2005) at Patwadangar is located on Delhi-Nainital highway 9 km before Nainital in the State of Uttarakhand in India at an average altitude of 1600 meter.The Institute is well recognized in the area of hands on training programmes on frontier areas of biotechnology in which a number participants from diverse scienti

12. Kumaun University Department Of Biotechnology
The Department of Biotechnology, established in the year 2000 through support from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, has developed as an important academic center of Uttaranchal state. At present activities of the department are focused on quality teaching programme at M.Sc. level including the execution of research programmes in selected areas.Biotechnology is an emerging discipline with far reaching consequences for human civilization. This discipline has potential for applicati

13. Kunti Naman Group Of College, Haridwar
Kunti Naman Group of Colleges is renowned institute that was established in 2005. The college runs under the aegis of Kunti Naman Pharma Technology & Science Society approved by the State Government. It is affiliated to HNB Central Garhwal University, Srinagar and Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Tehri.

14. Modern Institute Of Technology, Rishikesh
Modern Institute of Technology provides a peaceful learning environment to students where they get to learn from experienced mentors. It offers vast career prospects in various departments of education. The institute provides healthy academic ambiance and support facilities to students so that they can achieve their life goals. MIT in Rishikesh, runs under Modern School Society which has been in the education business since 1970.

15. RCP Universe Group Of Institutions, Roorkee
RCP Universe Group of Institutions was started in 2004 by Rev (Dr.) Ashwini Kumar. Since then and till now, institute has always strived to become a leading institute in professional education. The objective of the institute has always been to promote quality education, expertise & training among students and lead them to the path of success. It aspires to enhance the capability and advance the managerial & technical skills of the students.

16. SBS University
Now known as SBS University, Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences & Research was established in 1994, and since then, the Institute has constantly worked towards raising the academic standards. In pursuit of offering the best technical infrastructure and skills to the students, the institute has grown technically sound with state-of-the-art labs with hi-tech equipment and the best infrastructure in the region for academics and research. "Growth in every sphere

17. Shri Guru Ram Rai PG College
SGRR (PG) College or Shri Guru Ram Rai Post Graduate College holds a distinct place in higher education institute in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. SGRR PG College is the part of SGRR Education Mission which, since 1952, has been providing quality education under the support of Darbar Shri Guru Ram Rai Sahib.S.G.R.R. (P.G.) College was founded in 1960 by Brahmaleen Mahant Shri Indiresh Charandasji Maharaj to enable the meritorious but poor students of Uttaranchal and its neighboring states by providing

18. Uttaranchal (PG) College Of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun
Uttaranchal (P.G.) College of Bio-Medical Sciences & Hospital is a paramedical college on Dehradun offering Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Life Sciences, Agro Sciences and Paramedical Sciences. The college is affiliated to HNB Garhwal (Central) University.

19. Uttaranchal College Of Science & Technology, Dehradun
Uttaranchal College of Science & Technology is a prominent college in Dehradun that offers graduate and post-graduate level courses on academic & professional ground to students. It was founded by Uttaranchal Progressive Educational Society, HQ II-A Sewak Ashram Road, Dehradun and works under SELF-FINANCING. Uttaranchal College of Science & Technology, Dehradun is affiliated to HNB Garhwal University Srinagar (Garhwal), Central University & SDSUV Uttarakhand, and is approved by U