Palampur Weather

Palampur in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Palampur is 15°C and 27°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny and clear in May and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Palampur in May.

Palampur Weather in May

Palampur is visited throughout the year but the best time to take a trip to Palampur is at the onset of the Summer season between March and June.

Weather in Palampur

Palampur in summer: Summer begins in Palampur in March and it is the best time to visit Palampur. The weather in Palampur is delightful and ideal for sightseeing, it is also a great solace from the heat of other cities.

Palampur in monsoon: Monsoon begins from July and the weather remains pleasant during monsoon and the freshness that the rain brings, the entire place looks verdant. Palampur doesn't receive heavy rainfall making sightseeing an enjoyable experience.

Palampur in winter: The beauty of Palampur at its best, do visit Palampur in winters.  February and March are considered as the best period, as the temperature begins to rise, but the town is still enveloped in a white blanket of snow. 

Best time to visit Palampur

Palampur is visited throughout the year but the best time to take a trip to Palampur is at the onset of the Summer season between March and June. While the monsoons receive mild rainfall, winters are at times frigid with temperatures falling to sub-zero levels. Winters are freezing in Palampur, but if you're looking for an adventure then this time is ideal for a visit.

Palampur Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Palampur


: 12°C / 4°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Winters are freezing in Palampur, but if you're looking for an adventure then this time is ideal for a visit.


: 17°C / 6°C
The minimum and maximum temperature during the month of Feb is 6 and 17 degree. Woolen clothes are must required.


: 18°C / 8°C
Summer begins in Palampur in March and it is the best time to visit Palampur.


: 23°C / 12°C
The weather in Palampur is delightful and ideal for sightseeing, it is also a great solace from the heat of other cities.


: 27°C / 15°C
Palampur is visited throughout the year but the best time to take a trip to Palampur is at the onset of the Summer season between March and June.


: 30°C / 18°C
Palampur is visited throughout the year but the best time to take a trip to Palampur is at the onset of the Summer season between March and June.


: 27°C / 20°C
Monsoon begins from July and the weather remains pleasant during monsoon and the freshness that the rain brings, the entire place looks verdant.


: 26°C / 20°C
Palampur doesn't receive heavy rainfall making sightseeing an enjoyable experience.


: 26°C / 18°C
Sunniest weather with a minimum temperature of 18 degree is the ideal month to visit in Palampur.


: 24°C / 14°C
It is the ideal month to visit in Palampur.


: 20°C / 11°C
Maximum temperature during this month increases up to 20 degree.


: 16°C / 5°C
Weather is clear and pleasant during this month in Palampur.