Uttarkashi Weather

14 Mar 2025
29° C
12° C
Patchy rain nearby
06:29 AM
06:25 PM

Today's weather of Uttarkashi is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 29° C and a minimum temperature of 13° C. The average humidity in Uttarkashi would hover around 32%. There is 87% probability of rain in Uttarkashi today and 0.21mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.

The March month in Uttarkashi is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel cold throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in March.

Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Uttarkashi

11 AM
29° C
Feels like 27° C
Humidity 16%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
29° C
Feels like 27° C
Humidity 14%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
29° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 27° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 14%
Cloud cover 30%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
29° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 27° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 14%
Cloud cover 32%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
29° C
Feels like 27° C
Humidity 15%
Cloud cover 24%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
28° C
Feels like 26° C
Humidity 16%
Cloud cover 11%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
05 PM
26° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 23%
Cloud cover 22%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
22° C
Feels like 23° C
Humidity 28%
Cloud cover 87%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
07 PM
22° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 23° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 28%
Cloud cover 59%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
23° C
Patchy rain nearby
Feels like 23° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 27%
Cloud cover 71%
Chances of rain 87%
Precipitation 0.01mm
09 PM
21° C
Feels like 21° C
Humidity 32%
Cloud cover 9%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
20° C
Patchy rain nearby
Feels like 20° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 36%
Cloud cover 88%
Chances of rain 100%
Precipitation 0.18mm
11 PM
18° C
Patchy rain nearby
Feels like 18° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 45%
Cloud cover 83%
Chances of rain 75%
Precipitation 0.02mm

Uttarkashi Weather forecast for next 2 days

15 Mar 2025
29° C / 16° C
06:28 AM
06:26 PM
Humidity 24%
Cloud cover 9%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
16 Mar 2025
29° C / 15° C
06:26 AM
06:27 PM
Humidity 25%
Cloud cover 3%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%

Overview of Uttarkashi Weather

Uttarkashi is a town in Uttarakhand known for its beautiful landscapes and proximity to various trekking routes. Uttarkashi town can be visited throughout the year as all the seasons are welcoming here. The summers are cool, winters are pleasant and monsoons are also equally charming here.

Uttarakashi Weather Guide

Uttarkashi in Summers: Summer season in the Uttarkashi is moderate and the maximum temperature in the region ranges around 30°C. The minimum temperature in summers will be almost 15°C. Month of April, May and June are considered as summer months.

Uttarkashi in Monsoons: The monsoon season in Uttarkashi starts from the month of July lasts till August and mid-September. These three months generally experiences a good amount of rainfall with some signs of landslides. It will be great if you can skip these months.

Uttarkashi in Winters: Winters season in Uttarkashi generally starts form the month of October and remains till November, December, January and February. These three months generally experience a maximum temperature of around twenty four degrees (24°C) and a minimum temperature of around zero degrees (0°C). It is the pleasant time to visit during winters.

Best Time to Visit Uttarkashi

The best time to visit Uttarkashi is during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). These seasons offer pleasant weather conditions ideal for various outdoor activities and sightseeing.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 11°C / 1°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
The weather of Uttarkashi in January is chances of snowfall. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is 1 and 11 respectively.
: 13°C / 3°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in February is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is 3 and 13 respectively.
: 16°C / 5°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in March is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is 5 and 16 respectively.
: 25°C / 13°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in April is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in April is 13 and 25 respectively.
: 28°C / 17°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in May is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in May is 17 and 28 respectively.
: 32°C / 19°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
The weather of Uttarkashi in June is cloudy and pleasant. The minimum and maximum temperature in June is 19 and 32 respectively.
: 28°C / 20°C
: Cloudy And Rains
The weather of Uttarkashi in July is cloudy and rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is 20 and 28 respectively.
: 26°C / 18°C
: Cloudy And Rains
The weather of Uttarkashi in Aug is cloudy and rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in August is 18 and 26 respectively.
: 25°C / 16°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in September is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in September is 16 and 25 respectively.
: 21°C / 15°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in October is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in October is 15 and 21 respectively.
: 20°C / 12°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in November is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is 12 and 20 respectively.
: 18°C / 6°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Uttarkashi in December is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in December is 6 and 18 respectively.
Uttarkashi Tour Packages