Today's weather of Una is expected to be Overcast with a maximum temperature of 23° C and a minimum temperature of 11° C. The average humidity in Una would hover around 33%.
The January month in Una is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel cold throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in January. You can feel cold during this month of Jan. Light woollen clothes are required during this month in Jan.
Una in monsoon: Una receives heavy rains during the months of June to September. The place remains drenched all through these months.
Una in summer: Summers in Una begins in March and the place experiences pleasant summer and the temperature ranges between 15°C to 30°C.
Una in winter: The month of October marks the start of the Winter Season. The climate is pleasantly cool and Woolen clothes are preferred to take while going to Una during the winter season.
Una is one of the few destinations in India to be an ideal place to visit throughout the year. The temperature remains comfortable throughout the year and it is ideal for nature-lovers and to indulge in mesmerizing sightseeing opportunities