New Tehri FAQs

There are lot of questions while planning a journey. To ensure that your preparations run smoothly, we have the answers to the questions most frequently asked about travelling to and in New Tehri. New Tehri useful information for travellers with reliable local advice. Latest New Tehri Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for your upcoming visit to New Tehri. Get all the solutions to your query with eUttaranchal Travel Help Desk.

New Tehri is famous as Hill Station, Adventure, Weekend Getaway, Yoga and Meditation, Emerging Destinations, Kayaking, Paragliding, Biking, Leisure, with over 10 Places to See in New Tehri. Nearest Airport from New Tehri is Jolly Grant Airport, 87 kms and Nearest Railway Station is Rishikesh, 77 kms. There are over 8 Hotels in New Tehri.

General FAQs

Where is New Tehri?

New Tehri is a modern town developed at a hilltop in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand state.

Is Tehri Dam is the tallest Dam in India?

Yes, Tehri Dam is the tallest dam in India.

What is the altitude of New Tehri?

New Tehri is perched at an height of 1550 – 1950 mts above the sea level.

What is the best time to visit New Tehri?

New Tehri throughout the year, the weather is pleasant at every time. But the best time to visit New Tehri is from April to June and October to December when it have snow.

Can you customize a trip?

Yes, if you would like to travel independently, you are invited to choose any of the trips at your convenient time frame for any number of people. Cost for private trip is fixed on the basis of group size and duration. You can check out some New Tehri Tour Packages

Which are the nearest airport and railway stations for New Tehri?

Jolly Grant airport is the nearest airport and Rishikesh railway station is the nearest railway station for New Tehri.

What is the distance between New Tehri and Rishikesh?

New Tehri is situated at a distance of 77 km from Rishikesh.

Why Tehri is famous?

Tehri is famous for Tehri Lake, Tehri Dam, Adventure Water and Aero sports. You can also stay in unique floating huts in Tehri Lake.

New Tehri Tour Packages