Today's weather of Sundernagar is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 20° C and a minimum temperature of 8° C. The average humidity in Sundernagar would hover around 38%.
The November month in Sundernagar is generally chances of snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in November. Winter is the best season to visit this place. Sundernagar is well-connected with the road of the different cities and provides a beautiful view of the valley.
Sundernagar in winters: Winter is the best season to visit this place. Sundernagar is well-connected with the road of the different cities and provides a beautiful view of the valley.
Sundernagar in monsoon: Sundernagar witnesses heavy rainfall which leads to several landslides and roadblocks. Avoid traveling to Sundernagar during monsoon.
Sundernagar in summer: Sundernagar in summer is the best time to visit from April to November because the weather remains pleasant this time.
The best time of the year to visit the Sundernagar is between the months of April to November and also in the months of October and November. You can also enjoy walking on foot from the surrounding forested area. Avoid monsoon season to visit Sundernagar,