Today's weather of Sattal is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 23° C and a minimum temperature of 12° C. The average humidity in Sattal would hover around 30%.
The January month in Sattal is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in January. Crisp and chilly, especially at night. Ideal for solitude seekers and winter camping enthusiasts; quieter with few tourists.
Sattal is a beautiful lake destination in Uttarakhand known for its natural beauty and serene environment. It enjoys pleasant weather year-round, with cool winters and warm summers. The best time to visit is from March to June and September to November when the weather is ideal for outdoor activities like trekking, birdwatching, and boating on the lakes.
The best time to visit Sattal is from March to June and September to November. During these months, the weather is comfortable for outdoor activities, and the natural beauty of the lakes and surrounding forests is at its peak.
The weather during summer is salubrious and pleasant. You can see the diversified greenery during monsoon months at Sattal. Sattal is at its picturesque best during monsoon months.Carry heavy woolens with you if planning a visit to Sattal during winters as the temperature can fall as low as freezing point.