Sari Village FAQs

There are lot of questions while planning a journey. To ensure that your preparations run smoothly, we have the answers to the questions most frequently asked about travelling to and in Sari Village. Sari Village useful information for travellers with reliable local advice. Latest Sari Village Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for your upcoming visit to Sari Village. Get all the solutions to your query with eUttaranchal Travel Help Desk.

Sari Village is famous as Village Tourism, Base Camps (Trek), Villages, OffBeat, with over 11 Places to See in Sari Village. Nearest Airport from Sari Village is and Nearest Railway Station is . There are over 17 Hotels in Sari Village.

General FAQs

Where is Sari Village?

Sari is a small and beautiful village in the district of Rudraprayag in Uttarakhand state. It is located near Chopta Hill Station.

What is the altitude of Sari village?

Sari village is nestled at an height of 2000 mtrs above the sea level.

What is the base camp of Deoria Tal?

Sari is the base camp of Deoria Tal trek in Uttarakhand.

What is the distance between Sari and Deoria Tal?

Deoria Tal is situated at a distance of 2.5 km from Sari Village of Uttarakhand.

Are there any treks available in Sari?

Yes, there are several treks available from Sari village such as:-

Which is better Sari village or Chopta?

Sari Village and Chopta both have their own qualities, Chopta is now a popular destination in Uttarakhand so it gets crowded sometimes but Sari village is fairly untouched and remains free from crowd you get a peaceful stay in Sari village. When some homestays and lodges are closed in Chopta due to heavy snowfall then you can get homestays, hotels, and lodges for a stay in Sari village.

What is the distance between Chopta from Sari village?

Sari Village is located at a distance of 20 km before Chopta.