Today's weather of Rudranath is expected to be Patchy light snow with a maximum temperature of 2° C and a minimum temperature of -4° C. The average humidity in Rudranath would hover around 58%. There is 75% probability of rain in Rudranath today and 5.52mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The January month in Rudranath is generally covered with snow and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in January. Freezing, with challenging conditions due to snow. Not accessible due to snowfall and trail closures.
Rudranath is one of the Panch Kedar temples in Uttarakhand, set amidst the scenic Garhwal Himalayas. Due to its high altitude, Rudranath remains cool year-round, with the best time to visit being May to October. Winter months bring heavy snowfall, making the temple inaccessible during that time.
The best time to visit Rudranath is from May to October. These months provide the most favorable weather for trekking and pilgrimage, with moderate temperatures and clear skies. During the monsoon season, trekkers need to be cautious due to rain and slippery trails.
Winter months are harsh and not suitable for travel, as the temple and trekking routes are closed. Spring and autumn offer the most pleasant trekking experiences with fewer risks.