Today's weather of Roopkund Trek is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 12° C and a minimum temperature of -0° C. The average humidity in Roopkund Trek would hover around 43%. There is 87% probability of rain in Roopkund Trek today and 0.4mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Roopkund Trek is generally covered with snow and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March. Freezing, although some snow begins to melt. Treks remain closed due to snow and difficult conditions.
Roopkund is a high-altitude glacial lake in Uttarakhand, known for its mysterious skeletal remains and stunning trekking route. Due to its high altitude (around 4,800 meters), Roopkund remains cold throughout the year. The best time to visit is from May to October, when the weather is relatively mild and the trekking route is open. Outside of these months, the region becomes snowbound and inaccessible.
The best time to visit Roopkund is from May to June and September to October. These months offer the most favorable trekking conditions, with manageable weather and accessible trails.
Due to its high altitude (approximately 4,800 meters), Roopkund remains cold throughout the year, and trekking is possible only for a limited period. Always prepare for sudden weather changes and cold temperatures, especially at higher altitudes, even during the trekking season.