Places to See in Urgam Village

Over 3 tourist spots, attractions, activities and places to see in Urgam Village.

Check out 3 tourist spots in Urgam Village where travellers can spend their leisure time. Explore the hidden gems of Urgam Village through this well-researched list, learn about the most happening places, things to do, activities, attractions and famous picnic spots for a memorable vacation in Urgam Village.



Kalpeshwar is the last and fifth temple in the list of Panch Kedar pilgrimage circuit and it is the only temple of the sacred Panch Kedars that remains open throughout the year. The matted hairs or Jata or Lord Shiv...


Rudranath is the highly revered temple of Lord Shiva is peacefully adorned in the Garhwal Himalayas. It is the fourth temple to visit in the circuit of Panch Kedar pilgrimage.Rudranath temple is the toughest one to reach...
Bansi Narayan Temple

Bansi Narayan Temple

Located in Urgam Valley in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, Bansi Narayan Temple is an 8th Century Temple of single structure dedicated to Lord Krishna. The temple lies 10 km ahead of Bansa, the last village in Urgam...
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