Places to See in Shikari Devi

Check out the various places of interest in and around Shikari Devi.

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Shikari Devi Temple: The temple has many trekking spots and is surrounded by a dense layer of lush greenery and soothing floras. If you like adventure, you should check out the trekking routes that will take you to places like Chindi and Kullu.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to cherish a memorable time trekking around the beautiful pines, magical clouds, and hilly areas while you're here. Further more, the Shikari Devi Temple Mandi is an excellent location for sight seeing and admiring the Himalayas from a distance.

You should also visit the Shikari Devi Sanctuary, which is close to this Hindu temple. The area is home to black bear, barking deer, musk deer, and Monal. The sanctuary is only about 15 kilometres from Janjehli village.

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