Places to See in Noradhar

Check out the various places of interest in and around Noradhar.

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  • The Pool Noradhar: This is another one of the places which can be seen  during your trip or journey in Noradhar. This pool can be found after chasing a  stream for an hour or so.

    It turned out to be an excellent place to swim as it  was clear and just the right depth. The small waterfall functioned as a natural  shower and the bracing coldness of the water was simply a delight after long  walks through the hills.

  • Churdhar: The trek to Churdhar/ Churvadhar is about 17  kilometers one way and takes about 7 and a half hour. It was steep in places  but otherwise quite moderate, though it became a little tricky during the  monsoon. A guide was not required because this is a pilgrimage route to the  Shiva temple.

    However, it is not marked by the bustle of other pilgrimages and  provides the peace and tranquilly of a proper trek as well as a comfortable place to stay in the temple's Dharamshala. Numerous stories connect this peak to history and mythology, particularly the story of Hanuman discovering the  Sanjeevani booti here.
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