Over 27 tourist spots, attractions, activities and places to see in Nainital.
Being a popular destination among tourists, there are many places of interest in and around Nainital that can be visited with family and friends. Some of the well-known tourist attractions which are frequently visited by the tourists are Tiffin Top, Kilbury, Snow View Point, High Altitude Zoo, Land’s End, and Hanumangarhi. The nearby places like Bhimtal, Khurpatal and Naukuchiatal are popular excursions from Nainital.
Check out 27 tourist spots in Nainital where travellers can spend their leisure time. Explore the hidden gems of Nainital through this well-researched list, learn about the most happening places, things to do, activities, attractions and famous picnic spots for a memorable vacation in Nainital.
Land's End: The main attraction of Land's End is the beautiful view of the stagnant water of the Khurpatal. Land's End is set at an elevation of 2,120mts above sea level offering splendid views of neighboring hills and the green valley with rural houses. In order to reach Land's End one can drive to Barapathar on a vehicle and then trek 1km to the spot where one feels like the land has really come to an end.
Binayak: It is one of the famous trails in Nainital, which is perfect spot for trek in Nainital. So all those people who are passionate about trekking and planning to visit Nainital in the near future then Nainital binayak trek is the best trekking spot.