Places to See in Kainchi Dham

Kainchi Dham has 9 tourist spots and places to see.

There are 9 tourist spots in Kainchi Dham where travellers can spent their leisure time. Here you will find list of all the Kainchi Dham sightseeing options which you must visit and plan your itinerary accordingly. Explore the hidden gems of Kainchi Dham through this well-researched list, learn about the most happening places, things to do, famous picnic spots for a memorable vacation in Kainchi Dham.

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Naini Lake

Naini Lake

Paid Entry | Exploration Time 2 hr |
Nainital Lake, famously known as Naini Lake is the major attraction of Naintal town as well of Uttarakhand. Surrounded by panoramic seven hills, Naini...


8.4 kms / 15 mins
In the exotic realms of Kumaon, lies Bhowali standing in utmost grandeur at an elevation of 1704 metres above sea level. The toy town of Bhowali ...


18.6 kms / 39 mins
Enveloped in a thick foil of nature, accentuated by the scent of the flowering blossoms blending miraculously in the crisp fresh air, Nainital is trul...


Bhimtal is a lake city named after Bhima, the charismatic mythological character of Mahabharata. Revered for its aesthetic beauty, Bhimtal proudly sit...


Sattal is a cluster of mysteriously inter-connected seven freshwater lakes located in the Nainital district of Kumaon region. Sat Tal is perched at an...


Ramgarh is emerging as a popular destination of Uttarakhand state as it is one of the hidden jewels of the Kumaon region. Ramgarh is earning good name...


22.9 kms / 54 mins
Naukuchiatal literally suggests a nine-cornered Lake, perched at an elevation of 1220 mts above sea level in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand stat...
Khurpa Tal Lake

Khurpa Tal Lake

Khurpatal is a ravishing lake bejeweled in the suburbs of Nainital city. This lake is situated at a favorable distance of 11 km from the ‘Lake Cityâ...


Pangot is a small picturesque hamlet famous for its jungles and birds, located just 15 kms from Nainital. Walking into Pangot is like stepping in...
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