Pantwari Village

Pantwari is a Village in Dhanaulti tehsil in Tehri Garhwal District. It is the base camp for Nag Tibba trek. This place is located 140 kms from Rishikesh and 95 km from Dehradun. There are few shops, guesthouses and home stay options for night stay. 

Pantwari is a small village with a main bazaar for surrounding villages where you will find shops, dhaba (local eateries), ATM, Trekking Rent shops and few budget lodges for stay.

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Tehri Garhwal DistrictBase camp of Nagtibba Trek
131 kms / 4 hr 39 mins
From Kendriya Vidyalaya, New Tehri, Uttarakhand

Pantwari Village in New Tehri

Here you can see many species of birds, colors of nature, mountain peaks, Oak and Rhododendron trees. This trek can be done throughout the winter season when most of the treks in higher Himalayan ranges are closed. The trek can be finished in 3 days from Delhi which makes it an ideal trek for weekends.

Nag Tibba Trek from Pantwari

Nag Tibba is located near Mussoorie. It is one of the best weekend trek option that you can do easily. This trek is perfect for those who love to walk in natures lap. Nag Tibba gives stunning views of Bandarpoonch peak, the Gangotri group of peaks, Kedarnath peak in the north, Doon valley and the snow peaks of Chanabang.

Nag Tibba is also known as Serpents Peak. It is the highest peak (9915 ft) in the Nag Tibba range of the Garhwal Himalayas and is said to be the abode of Nag Devta. The advantage of this trek is that you can reach the base camp ( Nagtibba Range) by jeep. This takes less time to complete the trek which makes it an ideal trek. This trek is surrounded by Oak and Deodar forests bustling with birds and provides an opportunity to see the unique Garhwali village and their culture.

Location of Pantwari Village

Pantwari Village is located in Tehri Garhwal District ( Base camp of Nagtibba Trek).

Location & How to Reach Pantwari Village

There is no railway station near to Pantwari in less than 10 km. nearest railhead is Dehradun Railway Station which is 33Kms away from Pantwari. After that you can hire a taxi or take a bus for Pantwari. There is also an alternate way from Rishikesh to reach Pantwari.

Places to Visit during Drive: Rishikesh - Mussoorie - Nainbagh - Pantwari.

Read How to Reach guide for New Tehri.

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