Panchachuli Base Camp FAQs

There are lot of questions while planning a journey. To ensure that your preparations run smoothly, we have the answers to the questions most frequently asked about travelling to and in Panchachuli Base Camp. Panchachuli Base Camp useful information for travellers with reliable local advice. Latest Panchachuli Base Camp Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for your upcoming visit to Panchachuli Base Camp. Get all the solutions to your query with eUttaranchal Travel Help Desk.

Panchachuli Base Camp is famous as Adventure, Trekking, Camping, Base Camps (Trek), . Nearest Airport from Panchachuli Base Camp is and Nearest Railway Station is .

General FAQs

Is there any Atm or petrol pump available?

No there is no petrol pump or Atm available, you will get these facilities at Dharchula.

From where do we find reliable guides and porters? 

You can easily find many guides or porters from Dharchula.

Is there a motorable road from Dharchula to Dhar? How was the condition of this road?

Yes, there is a motorable road from Dharchula to Dhar. And the condition of this road is good up till Sobla and after Sobla, it’s raw. Due to landslides, it was a little risky or tricky to negotiate 2 km before reaching the road-head.

Where do you find suitable sources of drinking water on the trek?

Yes, there were many suitable sources of water available on the path.

Is the trek from Duktu to Panchachuli Base Camp a picturesque one trail?

Yes the trek route from Duktu to Panchachuli base camp offers some most beautiful views. It’s an hour’s trek from Dugtu to Meola glacier and one can see endless waterfalls on the glacier and a lot of vegetation and grassy meadows with ample camping space and water.

Is there Any risky point in the trek?

Yes, there is an only risky point that comes after Dhar village where the trekking trail is quite narrow for a kilometre with the flowing river below.

Do we witness any wildlife while in the valley?

It totally depends on your luck. If you are lucky enough then you can spot some wild animals while trekking, but there were a large variety of birds. Langurs and wild monkeys were spotted and griffins dominate the area. You also have chances to spot a Himalayan Golden Eagle on this trek.

What are the base and trek distances of the Panchachuli Base Camp trek?

Dar Village is the starting point for Panchachuli Base Camp and it is approx 66 kms long trek.

What is the best time to visit Panchachuli B.C trek?

April – June and September – October are the best months to visit Panchachuli Base Camp trek.

What is the altitude of the Panchachuli Base Camp trek?

Panchachuli Base Camp is nestled at an height of 4260 mts above the sea level.

Is there any permit required for this trek?

Yes you have to take permit for this trek.

Which are the tallest peaks among five Panchachuli peaks?

Panchachuli II is the highest peaks that has a height of 6,904 mts.

What is the height of all five Panchachuli peaks?

Panchachuli I is 6,355 mts, Panchachuli II 6,904 mts, Panchachuli III is 6,312 mts, Panchachuli IV is 6,334 mts, and Panchachuli V at 6,437 mts.

How many days are required to do this trek?

You will need atleast 9 days to do this Panchachuli Base Camp trek.

Where is Panchachuli Base Camp?

Panchachuli Base Camp trek is a different trek which is situated in the Darma valley of Pithoragarh district near Tibet and Nepal border in Uttarakhand.

Panchachuli Base Camp Tour Packages
Panchachuli Base Camp Short Trekking Tour
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹ 14,500    ₹14,500
Panchachuli Base Camp Trek Package ex-Kathgodam
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹ 15,000    ₹15,000