Today's weather of Nag Tibba is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 28° C and a minimum temperature of 12° C. The average humidity in Nag Tibba would hover around 27%.
The March month in Nag Tibba is generally chances of snowfall and you would feel cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March.
The climate of Nag Tibba Trek is temperate and pleasant throughout the year except the winter months when the weather gets chilly and you will also find snow all around. The higher reaches are covered with snow from January to March. The valley is prone to strong winds at night especially in the summer season.
You might experience snowfall or find Snow during the Nag Tibba Trek from last week of December, January, February and March. The amount of snow will depend upon the weather conditions. Enjoy Nag tibba snow camping and trekking during winter months.
Nag Tibba In Summers (April, May, June): Summer in Nag Tibba is pleasant during the days and cooler during the night. The Himalayas can be seen from the distance. There is always a cool breeze blowing to further comfort you. It would be wise to carry light woolens with you in case the night become colder. During summers your will see plenty of greenry and flowers all around.
Nag Tibba In Monsoons (July, August, Mid September): The trek goes lush green during the monsoons. The trek becomes scenic when there is mist, rains and clouds all around. But sometimes it becomes difficult to trek or pitch tents when there are heavy showers. Carry rain coats, ponchos to save yourself from water.
Nag Tibba Trek In Winters (December, January, February): If you are looking for serenity and peaceful solitude with snow all around then winter season will be suitable for planning trek of Nag Tibba. There will be snowfall during winters, all the region and nearby hills will be covered with snow. The views of might Himalayas will be very clear during winters. Winters in Nag Tibba have freezing temperatures so remember to carry heavy woolens.