Today's weather of Naggar is expected to be Moderate or heavy snow showers with a maximum temperature of 4° C and a minimum temperature of -5° C. The average humidity in Naggar would hover around 64%. There is 95% probability of rain in Naggar today and 2.24mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Naggar is generally chances of snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March. There is chances of snowfall during this month of Mar in Naggar.
Naggar, located in the Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh, is a charming town known for its rich history, traditional architecture, and beautiful views of the Himalayas. The weather in Naggar varies throughout the year, with pleasant summers, moderate monsoons, and cold winters.
Naggar in summer: Naggar in summers is bright and enjoyable. The weather is pleasant and accommodations are easily available.
Naggar in monsoon: During the monsoon, Naggar turns foggy, and Naggar looks like a place straight out of a fairytale.
Naggar in winter: In the winters, the temperature drops, and the entire area is covered with a white blanket due to the snowfall. For an average tourist, the weather might not be easy to endure, but if you are an explorer, the winters of Naggar will introduce you to a different side of Himachal Pradesh.
Naggar’s serene beauty, combined with its historical significance and comfortable climate, makes it a perfect destination for those looking to explore the peaceful side of Himachal Pradesh. Whether you visit in summer for clear skies or in winter for snow-capped vistas, Naggar offers a refreshing and scenic retreat year-round.