Today's weather of Kullu is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 11° C and a minimum temperature of 2° C. The average humidity in Kullu would hover around 40%.
The November month in Kullu is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in November. Pleasant weather with a minimum temperature of 10 degree and maximum temperature of 19 degree can be seen in the month of Nov.
Summer is a good time to visit Kullu for people wishing to escape the scorching heat. To glimpse the valleys unique culture, autumn when the valley celebrates Dussehra is a good time to be around. For those who enjoy the magic of a snowfall, winter is good time to be in Kullu valley. December to February is generally the chilliest period when chances of witnessing a snowfall are more.
Kullu in Winters: Winter starts in mid-September and lasts till February. The season is extremely cold and the minimum temperature can go down to well below 0°C, followed by heavy snowfall.
Kullu in Summer: Summer in Kullu begins in March. The season is pleasant and said to be the ideal season for sightseeing and a variety of adventure activities.
Kullu in Monsoon: Monsoon begins in July and lasts till mid-September. The region experiences some irregular showers and unpredictable landslides that may cause disruption in travel.
Seasons with Average Temprature in Kullu
Summers: March, April, May, June (25°C – 35°C)
Monsoons: July, August, September (15°C – 25°C)
Winters: December, January, February (5°C – 15°C)
Clothing: Tourists are advised to carry cotton clothing in summer, light woollen in spring and autumn and heavy woollen in winters.
The best time to visit Kullu is in the summer season which begins in March. Winters are also a great time to visit Kullu for its festivities around Raghunath temple. monsoons must be avoided entirely as there are chances for landslides and it's risky to travel to Kullu.