Today's weather of Kedarkantha is expected to be Moderate rain with a maximum temperature of 4° C and a minimum temperature of -0° C. The average humidity in Kedarkantha would hover around 93%. There is 90% probability of rain in Kedarkantha today and 12.15mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Kedarkantha is generally covered with snow and you would feel cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March. Kedarkantha in March remain covered with snow so heavy woolen clothes and good quality snow boots are recommended. Temp. could fall rapidly if it rains.
During Summer months the Kedarkantha trek offers a beautiful lush green landscape with variety of flowers blooming throughout the trek. April sees off the remaining snow cover of the winters and the ground reveals itself in wonderful greens and colourful flowers. Under the dense forest cover of Oak and Pine, the trek route gently winds up to bring you to the waving waters of the Juda ka Taalab Lake. Temperature range during the summer months vary between 6 degree Celsius in the night to about 20 degrees on the mid day heat.
During the monsoon months the region gets enough rainfall and sometimes it gets difficult to trek. However as a adventure seeker and challenging the limits, one can trek to the summit with completely different views. You will be trekking in rain, with grey and white cloud flowing in and out. Plenty of waterfall emerge due to rains adding to the scenic beauty. Get enough waterproof gears for monsoons and extra set of warm clothes, as it gets cold during the night.
During Autumn, the leaves slowly start to turn dry and start to fall off, colour of meadows changes from green to brown, giving a completely different experience. For beginners autumn months are the best for trekking as the weather will be pleasant with some majestic views of Himalayas. The temperature during the autumn months varies between minimum of 2 degrees to a maximum of 15 degrees Celsius during the day time.
The Kedarkantha trek is perhaps one of the best winter trek in the Himalayas and snow trek existing in the entire Himalayas. The entire trek route and surrounding is covered by a thick layer of fresh white snow. This region of the Himalayas gets early snow owing to the confluence of different Himalayan ranges and the quality of snow is very good. Its white powder making it a wonderful ski destination as well.
The view of a forest covered in snow is very dreamy and surreal. Its an experience which just takes your heart right away and keeps you excited throughout. The Kedarkantha trek gets really cold in the winters and temperature drops to as low as -10 degrees adding to more to the thrill of being on one of the best winter treks in the Himalayas.