Today's weather of Kasol is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 10° C and a minimum temperature of -1° C. The average humidity in Kasol would hover around 57%. There is 89% probability of rain in Kasol today and 2.26mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Kasol is generally covered with snow and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March. The air is moderately humid with average humidity being 76%. The weather is still cold in Kasol.
Kasol in winter: Winter begins from October in Kasol. most of the roads to Kasol are inhospitable due to heavy and frequent snowfall in winters, cold and dry winter winds make it a little difficult to explore the valley.
Kasol in Summer: Summer is the ideal time to visit Kasol for sightseeing and for unraveling the beauty of the place. The days are warm and the sky is clear that offers a beautiful opportunity for camping outside.
Kasol in Monsoon: The monsoon season in Kasol begins in July and the temperature during this time ranges between 13 Degree Celsius and 35 Degree Celsius.
Kasol experiences good weather throughout the year but October to June is the best time to visit Kasol as the weather remains pleasant. And the ideal time to go for trekking nearby is from March to May.