Today's weather of Janjehli is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 12° C and a minimum temperature of -1° C. The average humidity in Janjehli would hover around 39%. There is 82% probability of rain in Janjehli today and 0.25mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Janjehli is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in March. Cool and refreshing, with snow patches remaining. Great for early spring trekking and photography. Trails may still be muddy in places but are accessible.
Janjheli is a picturesque village in Himachal Pradesh known for its lush green landscapes and pleasant weather.
Winter Season in Janjehli: During winters, you can experience snowfall and temperature can be around freezing point, so heavy woolen clothes are required.
Summer Season in Janjehli: During summers, the climate is warm during the day but cool during the night, cottons are recommended with light woolens.
Monsoon Season in Janjehli: It is a round the year destination, however due to its remote location you can skip monsoon months.
Throughout the year Janjehli maintains a cool and pleasant climate as being a hilly region. October to March are the best months to witness the natural beauty of Janjehli. However, the climate is very amazing during these months.
Activities: Janjheli offers opportunities for trekking, camping, and exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding area, along with experiencing the local culture and traditions.