Janamashtami Festival in Deoria Tal

Shri Krishna Janamashtami (birth date of Lord Krishna) is celebrated as fair in Deoriyatal Lake by locals of Ukhimath, Saari Village and nearby villagers. Devariytal is located 2.5 kms from Saari Village can be reached only by trek. During the celebration of this festival, a fair is organized near the lake and small temporary shops and food joints are openend for visitors.

Note: Janamashtami is celebrated during the month of August/September. Dates for 2018 will be updated soon.

 Umendra Negi
Shri Krishna Jhaanki in Deoriyatal
 Umendra Negi
Janamashtami Fair in Deoriytal
 Umendra Negi
Hundreds of locals and tourists gathered for this festival in Devariyatal
 Umendra Negi
Devariyatal Lake (16 Aug 2017)
 Umendra Negi
 Umendra Negi
Temporary shops during the fair
 Umendra Negi
Local villagers during the fair of Janamashtami
 Umendra Negi
Shri Krishna Janamashtami Mela in Devariyatal

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