How to Reach George Everest House

George Everest House is well connected with most of the important towns and cities of Uttarakhand. Getting there guide below provides detailed information about how to reach George Everest House by Road, Train or Flight.

George Everest House is 6 kms away from Gandhi Chowk, West Mall Road, Mussoorie. You can hire jeep, cab or taxi from Dehradun or Mussoorie to reach here. Nearby rail is at Dehradun Railway station which is 35 km away from this place and airport at Jolly Grant, Dehradun is 65 kms away.

Road Route Map to reach George Everest from Dehradun
Dehradun - Bhatta Village - Library (Mussoorie) - Hathipaon - George Everest

Related Pages on George Everest:
George Everest in Wikipedia  :: George Everest Rating in TripAdvisor

George Everest House Tour Packages