Haridwar Weather

25 Mar 2025
35° C
16° C
06:15 AM
06:32 PM

Today's weather of Haridwar is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 35° C and a minimum temperature of 17° C. The average humidity in Haridwar would hover around 19%.

The March month in Haridwar is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes are recommended in March. Cold at the starting of the month but pleasant and clear after that.

Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Haridwar

11 AM
32° C
Feels like 30° C
Humidity 12%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
33° C
Feels like 31° C
Humidity 11%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
34° C
Feels like 32° C
Humidity 10%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
34° C
Feels like 32° C
Humidity 10%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
35° C
Feels like 33° C
Humidity 10%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
34° C
Feels like 32° C
Humidity 10%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
05 PM
33° C
Feels like 31° C
Humidity 12%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
27° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 16%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
07 PM
25° C
Feels like 24° C
Humidity 17%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
24° C
Feels like 23° C
Humidity 19%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
09 PM
23° C
Feels like 23° C
Humidity 20%
Cloud cover 0%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
22° C
Feels like 22° C
Humidity 21%
Cloud cover 2%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
11 PM
22° C
Feels like 22° C
Humidity 22%
Cloud cover 5%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm

Haridwar Weather forecast for next 2 days

26 Mar 2025
37° C / 18° C
06:14 AM
06:32 PM
Humidity 11%
Cloud cover 21%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
27 Mar 2025
38° C / 19° C
06:13 AM
06:33 PM
Humidity 10%
Cloud cover 0%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%

Overview of Haridwar Weather

Haridwar has a pleasant climate for many months of the year. As it is located at the foothills of Himalayas, the climate never goes to the extreme level and remains pleasant throughout the year, although it receives heavy rainfall. Thus Haridwar is one such tourist spot that can be visited any time of the year. The annual mean rainfall in Haridwar is about 2136.7 mm.

Haridwar Weather Guide

Winter (December to February)

  • Temperature: 5°C to 20°C (daytime), 3°C to 10°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Cool and pleasant during the day, with colder nights. Fog is common, especially in January, which can affect visibility.
  • Activities: Ideal for visiting temples, ghats, and participating in the Ganga Aarti. The winter months are particularly popular for pilgrims and tourists, as the weather is comfortable for outdoor activities.

Spring (March to May)

  • Temperature: 15°C to 35°C (daytime), 10°C to 20°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Warm and sunny, with temperatures rising steadily as summer approaches. The weather remains pleasant in March and April, becoming hotter in May.
  • Activities: Great for sightseeing and attending religious ceremonies. The Ganga Dussehra and other festivals occur during this time, making it vibrant and culturally rich.

Monsoon (June to September)

  • Temperature: 25°C to 35°C (daytime), 20°C to 25°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Humid and rainy, with heavy rainfall in July and August. The Ganges can swell, and flooding may occur, affecting travel plans.
  • Activities: While the greenery is beautiful, this season is not ideal for outdoor activities. Many tourists prefer to avoid visiting during the monsoon due to the risk of flooding and landslides.

Autumn (October to November)

  • Temperature: 10°C to 30°C (daytime), 5°C to 15°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Pleasant and clear, with cooler temperatures. October is particularly nice, with clear skies and comfortable weather.
  • Activities: Ideal for exploring temples, attending festivals like Diwali, and participating in the Ganga Aarti. This is one of the best times to visit Haridwar, as the weather is favorable for all outdoor activities.

Best Time to Visit Haridwar

The best time to visit Haridwar are during winter (December to February) and autumn (October to November) when the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing and religious activities. Spring is also a good time, especially for festivals, but can get hot in May. Monsoon is best avoided due to heavy rainfall and possible flooding.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 20°C / 7°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
Carry warm clothes, Weather would be cloudy and pleasant with chilling winters amalgamation.
: 22°C / 9°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Feb is frizzy in the night but pleasant and clear in the day with chilling winters amalgamation.
: 27°C / 13°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Cold at the starting of the month but pleasant and clear after that.
: 33°C / 18°C
: Sunny And Clear
Pleasant and clear in the starting of the April but it would be sunny and hot at the end of the month
: 36°C / 21°C
: Hot And Humid
Hot and Humind along river Ganga and warm and sunny in the other parts of Haridwar in the month of May.
: 34°C / 23°C
: Hot And Humid
Hot and sunny with the amalgamation of Humidity in the weather.
: 31°C / 23°C
: Cloudy And Rains
Monsoon rain expected on several times in a day with the amalgamation of humidity.
: 30°C / 23°C
: Rains
Hot with the shade of Monsoon clouds. Rain would be expected on cloudy days.
: 30°C / 21°C
: Sunny And Clear
September is clear and sunny in Haridwar with infrequent rain.
: 29°C / 17°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
October is Cloudy and pleasant in Haridwar. Nights are slightly cold as compare to day.
: 26°C / 11°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Cold and pleasant with clear sky.
: 22°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Dec is very cold and foggy in Haridwar. Nights could be freezing sometimes.