Today's weather of Haridwar is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 23° C and a minimum temperature of 9° C. The average humidity in Haridwar would hover around 28%.
The December month in Haridwar is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in December. Dec is very cold and foggy in Haridwar. Nights could be freezing sometimes.
Haridwar has a pleasant climate for many months of the year. As it is located at the foothills of Himalayas, the climate never goes to the extreme level and remains pleasant throughout the year, although it receives heavy rainfall. Thus Haridwar is one such tourist spot that can be visited any time of the year. The annual mean rainfall in Haridwar is about 2136.7 mm.
The best time to visit Haridwar are during winter (December to February) and autumn (October to November) when the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing and religious activities. Spring is also a good time, especially for festivals, but can get hot in May. Monsoon is best avoided due to heavy rainfall and possible flooding.