Flora and Fauna in Valley of Flowers

Exhibiting its ethereal beauty, the region of Valley of Flowers is hailed for its alpine meadows showcasing vivid flora-fauna. Since this naturally abundant region is home to rare Himalayan flora it lures many botanists, researchers, nature lovers, and avid trekkers to visit here. 

Along with the threatened medicinal plant species, you can see the different hues of this gorgeous valley here. If you are a summer person then Valley of Flowers has lots in store as it is ornamented with vibrant flowers during the warmer months of the year.

Flora in Valley of Flowers

A canvas for the shutterbugs and professional photographers, the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand is a home to rich Himalayan flora including several rare medicinal plants such as Aconitum heterophyllum, A. Falconeri, Arnebia benthamii, Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Gymnadenia orchids, Megacarpaea polyandra, Picrorhiza kurroa, Podophyllum haxandrum, Aconitum violaceum, Polygonatum multiflorum, Fritillaria roylei and Taxus wallichiana. 

The Valley of Flowers is endowed with 520 species of high altitude plants including angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes, of which 498 are flowering plants. Flowers that carpet the meandering meadows of Valley of Flowers include Orchids, Poppies, Primilas, Marigold, Daisies, Geranium, Petunia, Sediams, Lilies, Calendula, Zinnia and several others. The sub-alpine forests of birch and rosy rhododendrons besiege the parking area spreading the riot of colors in Valley of Flowers.

Fauna in Valley of Flowers

A safe haven to several high altitude fauna, the Valley of Flowers National Park is home to several animal species. It nurses and cares for several animal species that are either rare or endangered. The park has recorded a total of 13 species of mammals comprising the Grey langur, flying squirrel, Himalayan black bear, red fox, Himalayan weasel, and Himalayan yellow-throated marten, Himalayan goral, Himalayan musk deer, Indian chevrotain and Himalayan Thar. 

It also harbours several avifaunal species like Lammergeyer, Himalayan vulture, yellow-billed & red-billed choughs, koklass pheasant, Himalayan monal pheasant, scaly-bellied & yellow-nape woodpeckers, blue-throated barbets, snow pigeon and spotted dove. Apart from this a few reptile species, wild bees and many species of butterflies are found here some of which are the lime butterfly, common yellow swallowtail, common Mormon, Spangle, and common blue Apollo.

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