Today's weather of Dehradun is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 24° C and a minimum temperature of 12° C. The average humidity in Dehradun would hover around 35%.
The January month in Dehradun is generally cloudy and rains and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in January. Jan is very cold in Dehradun. Surrounded with lofty mountains and near to Mussoorie, Dehradun often experience cold waves with the rain in winters.
The weather of Doon changes its colours like a chameleon so it is common to witness rainfall even on a bright sunny day. This has made the age-oldsaying true which says, the one who visits Doon cannot leave without falling in love with its distinguished weather.
The best time to visit Dehradun are during spring (March to May) and autumn (October to November) when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The winter months are also great for a peaceful getaway, while the monsoon offers a lush landscape but can make travel challenging due to rain.