Today's weather of Corbett National Park is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 25° C and a minimum temperature of 14° C. The average humidity in Corbett National Park would hover around 48%.
The November month in Corbett National Park is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel cold throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in November. Pleasant and clear at day time with slightly cold. Good for outdoor activities. Carry light woolen clothes.
The climate in the Corbett National Park is temperate. Corbett National Park closes during the monsoon rainy season from Mid June to Mid November.
The best time to visit Corbett National Park are from November to June, when the weather is favorable for wildlife activities, and the park is open for safaris. The winter months (December to February) are particularly popular for animal sightings, while spring (March to May) offers great opportunities for seeing animals in their natural habitat.