Today's weather of Chamba is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 31° C and a minimum temperature of 15° C. The average humidity in Chamba would hover around 23%.
The March month in Chamba is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel cold throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in March. March is a cold month in Chamba. Days are pleasant and clear with warm sun rays. Good for outdoor activities.
Summers: The summer season at Chamba is short and lasts only the months of March and june, though march is also cold. the maximum temperature in summers is recorded at 30°C and minimum of 14°C.
Monsoon: The months of July till October are prone to occasional rains which turns the hills into a colour of dark green and presents a beautiful site. It is the best time for romantic getaways at this secluded place.
Winters: The winters at Chamba are really cold and require heavy woollens. Chamba occasionally receives snowfall during the months of January and February. the minimum temperature recorded is 4°C.
You can visit Chamba in Winters and Summers, mainly January, February, March, April, May, October, November and December.