Today's weather of Chamba Himachal is expected to be Partly Cloudy with a maximum temperature of 13° C and a minimum temperature of 4° C. The average humidity in Chamba Himachal would hover around 40%.
The January month in Chamba Himachal is generally snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in January. January is the coldest month in Chamba. You need heavy woolen cloths in January to visit Chamba.
Chamba in Summer: Summer season in Chamba has pleasant climate. The weather during the day is warm and nights are comparatively cool and pleasing. The temperature during summers can rise up at a level of 38°C.
Chamba in Monsoon: The weather during Monsoon is misty and cloudy. The valley appears really beautiful during this time with freshly washed leaves shining in the bright sunshine.
Chamba in Winters: The winter season in the valley is extremely cold as the temperature is too low and reaches below freezing point, due to the chilly winds in the area. Occasional snow fall may also occur from December to February.
March to June is the best time to visit Chamba as these months have pleasant weather with moderate temperature. Summer in the valleys of Chamba is warm with cold nights. Occurrence of snowfall can be seen in the months of December to March in a year.