Camping in Chopta

Camping in Chopta is getting popular day by day. There are lots of options to pitch your camp in the meadows of Chopta. Local hotel owners also offer camping facilities in the area. If you down have a tent then you can book a tent in Chopta on rent.  Rates of camping in Chopta are fixed as per the govt. which is minimal if you compare it with the heavenly beauty of Uttarakhand.

Camping in Chopta is Still Banned!

As per the latest order from the High Court, the camping is banned in all meadows of Uttarakhand. So, the camping is not allowed in Chopta Meadows. We will update here once the ban is lifted on camping.

As written on Notice Board in Chopta for Camping and Entry

Camping charges and Entry fees in Chopta

Welcome to the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, your support is expected to keep this area clean. Without permission, the entry is prohibited. Before entry takes permission from Chief Wildlife Warden/DFO of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary. Entry without permission is contravention of the Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972. Camping/Entry fee should be paid accordingly to the Uttarakhand Government. Below are the charges of camping in Chopta.

Chopta Entry Fees for Trek to Tungnath

Guest Type
Entry Fees Per Head
Rs 150
Rs 600

Chopta Camping Charges

Camping Fees
Indian Per Day
Foreigner Per Day
Small Tent
Rs 50
Rs 100
Medium Tent
Rs 100
Rs 200
Kitchen Tent
Rs 100
Rs 200
Rs 50
Rs 100

Other charges for photography & filming (movie shooting) in Chopta

Camera/Filming Fees 
Indian Per Day 
Foreigner Per Day 
Digital Camera (Non-Professional)
Rs 500
Rs 1500
Rs 10000
Rs 30000
Feature Film (Movie)
On Request
Rs 200000

*Note: The above camping charges and entry fees for Chopta camping is updated as per our knowledge. However, the charges are subject to change without prior notice. You can get updated pricing from Forest Officials of Chopta Range or at Ukhimath. The above price is for indication only and publisher if not liable if price or charges does not match. 

Help us to Improve this Camping in Chopta List!

If you own/manage or know any other Camping in Chopta, which is not listed above then, Kindly share the details at

If you find any inappropriate Chopta Camping listing do mail us in the same email id, so that we can update/remove it to provide the best information to our visitors. Thank You!

Useful Tips

  • Don't pitch your tent too far or near to Jungle as it comes under Kedarnath wildlife sanctuary. Chopta is home to a variety of wild animals so please don't disturbed them. 
  • Maintaining silence increases the possibility to see more birds & animals.