Overview of Budha Kedar Weather

Bhuda Kedar Weather Guide

Summer (April to June)

  • Temperature: 10°C to 25°C (daytime), 5°C to 10°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Mild and pleasant during the day, with cool evenings. The weather is ideal for outdoor activities, trekking, and exploring the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Activities: This is the best time to visit Bhuda Kedar for trekking and enjoying the beautiful landscapes. The region is lush and vibrant after the winter months.

Monsoon (July to September)

  • Temperature: 15°C to 20°C (daytime), 10°C to 15°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Heavy rainfall, often accompanied by clouds and mist. The landscape turns lush green, but there is a risk of landslides, making trails slippery and challenging.
  • Activities: While the scenery is beautiful, trekking is not recommended during this season due to safety concerns. It’s a good time for those who enjoy the monsoon atmosphere but should be cautious.

Autumn (October to November)

  • Temperature: 5°C to 15°C (daytime), -5°C to 5°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Cool and clear, with excellent visibility. Nights can be quite chilly as winter approaches.
  • Activities: A great time for trekking and enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The clear skies offer excellent photography opportunities and a vibrant landscape post-monsoon.

Winter (December to March)

  • Temperature: -5°C to 10°C (daytime), -15°C to -5°C (nighttime)
  • Weather: Cold, with the possibility of snowfall, especially in January and February. The area can be challenging to access during heavy snow.
  • Activities: Winter transforms Bhuda Kedar into a tranquil snow-covered landscape. While trekking is challenging, the serene beauty appeals to those who enjoy solitude and winter scenery. Proper gear and experience are necessary for winter visits.

Best Time to Visit Bhuda Kedar

The best times to visit Bhuda Kedar are during summer (April to June) and autumn (October to November), when the weather is favorable for trekking and exploring the natural beauty of the region. Monsoon should be approached with caution due to heavy rainfall, while winter is suited for those seeking a snowy retreat.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 12°C / -2°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
Very chilly, especially at night, Heavy jackets, thermals needed, Not ideal for outdoor activities; best for those who enjoy winter scenery.
: 18°C / 2°C
: Snowfall
Extremely cold, especially at night. Layered clothing, heavy winter wear. Sightseeing with proper clothes.
: 22°C / 9°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Pleasant during the day but cool at night. Light jackets, sweaters, and layers. Good for trekking and exploring; the landscape begins to bloom.
: 28°C / 15°C
: Sunny And Clear
Comfortable and refreshing. Light clothing with a jacket for the evenings. Excellent time for outdoor activities, trekking, and sightseeing.
: 32°C / 19°C
: Sunny And Clear
Pleasant and sunny. Light, breathable clothing; Ideal for trekking and enjoying nature.
: 31°C / 18°C
: Rains
Warm in the sun, cooler in the evenings. Light clothing, good for outdoor activities, but be prepared for occasional rain.
: 29°C / 15°C
: Heavy Rains
Humid and wet. Waterproof clothing, not ideal for visiting due to heavy rains and landslide risks;
: 28°C / 15°C
: Heavy Rains
Continued monsoon; very wet and humid. Waterproof gear and comfortable footwear. Generally not recommended for visits.
: 27°C / 15°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
Pleasant and starting to clear. Comfortable clothing and beautiful scenery makes it worth a visit.
: 24°C / 13°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Comfortable and fresh. Light layers, jackets for cooler evenings. Excellent time for trekking and sightseeing.
: 18°C / 9°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Chilly, especially at night. Warm jackets and layers; thermals recommended. Good for visits, but nights can be cold.
: 10°C / 0°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
Very cold with potential for snow. Heavy winter clothing and insulated footwear. Not ideal for outdoor activities.