Today's weather of Bilaspur is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 26° C and a minimum temperature of 14° C. The average humidity in Bilaspur would hover around 48%. There is 86% probability of rain in Bilaspur today and 1.75mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The March month in Bilaspur is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in March. With a average temperature of 14 degree , march is said to be one of the pleasant and clear month of the year. The weather of Bilaspur remains pleasant and clear in March.
Weather in Summer: Being close to the plains, the summers in Bilaspur are hot and humid with temperatures ranging from 22 to 38 degrees celsius. Summers can be considered a good time for sightseeing and trekking.
Weather in Monsoon: Bilaspur receives a moderate amount of rainfall. The rain showers make this hill town look greener and more beautiful. However, this is not the right time to visit Bilaspur, as the water level of the dam increases and it disrupts the adventure sports in the lake, causing high water levels that prohibit you from being any closer to the boundaries of the dam or other viewpoints.
Weather in Winter: The temperature begins to fall with the month of November. The temperature in winters ranges from 5 to 22 degrees Celsius. This is the best time to visit Bilaspur to enjoy the beauty of nature with a pleasant temperature.
You can visit Bilaspur throughout the year. Bilaspur experiences warm summers, heavy rainfall during the monsoons and cold winters with the temperatures falling to sub-zero levels. If travelling during the winters, don't forget to pack heavy woollens.