Today's weather of Barot is expected to be Overcast with a maximum temperature of 21° C and a minimum temperature of 10° C. The average humidity in Barot would hover around 26%.
The December month in Barot is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in December. Most of the days of December in Barot are very cold with fog in the atmosphere. Try to carry heavy woolen cloths. December is cold and breezy because the temperature goes down up to 8 degree Celsius in the Night and under 20 degrees Celsius during day time.
Barot Weather Guide: Barot have a pleasant weather throughout the year, specially in summers which is cool, winters are very cold and heavy woolen clothes are required. Average temperature during winters is around -5 degree to 10 degrees. Barot also experiences snowfall in winters.
Average winter temperature: 5°C
Average annual temperature: 13°C
Average summer temperature: 17°C
The ideal months to visit Barot in India are February through June and September through December, when the weather will be comfortable to hot and there won't be much rain.
Barot Valley weather is fairly moderate, i.e., neither too hot in summers nor too cold in winters. The average annual temperature is close to 13°C. Barot valley can be visited at any time of the year except for monsoons because the area receives heavy rainfall due to surrounding dense forests.