Barkot Distance Chart

Barkot is well connected through road network. Since air and rail connectivity in Uttarakhand is limited, road network is the best and easily available transport option. You can either drive to Barkot or hire a cab/taxi to reach Barkot from Delhi or any other nearby cities.

Road Distance Chart to Barkot

Following is the driving distance chart to Barkot from various cities and towns in Uttarakhand and from Delhi NCR Region (New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad).

  • Delhi to Barkot: 373 km
  • Ghaziabad to Barkot : 340 km
  • Noida to Barkot : 397 km
  • Gurgaon to Barkot : 404 km
  • Meerut to Barkot : 294 km
  • Modinagar to Barkot : 316 km
  • Chandigarh to Barkot : 239 km
  • Bareilly to Barkot :425 km
  • Kanpur to Barkot : 804 km
  • Lucknow to Barkot : 667 km
  • Shimla to Barkot : 217 km
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Distances from Barkot with Travel Duration

The distances from Barkot are recorded from Barkot police station. The distance and driving time are approx and close to the actuals. However, driving time may vary from person to person and the one mentioned is average driving time.

25 kms / 1 hr
27.5 kms / 54 mins
36.4 kms / 1 hr 15 mins
45 kms / 1 hr 34 mins
45 kms / 1 hr 39 mins
46 kms
46.2 kms / 1 hr 39 mins
59.2 kms / 2 hr 9 mins
60.4 kms / 2 hr
60.7 kms / 2 hr
82 kms
92.1 kms / 3 hr
100.7 kms
116 kms / 3 hr 39 mins
118 kms / 4 hr 9 mins
125 kms / 3 hr 39 mins
135 kms / 4 hr 15 mins
135 kms / 4 hr 15 mins
142 kms / 4 hr 45 mins
147 kms / 3 hr 54 mins
149 kms / 5 hr 9 mins
164 kms
167 kms / 5 hr 45 mins
176 kms / 5 hr 19 mins
176 kms / 5 hr 19 mins
178 kms / 5 hr 45 mins
186 kms / 6 hr 30 mins
188 kms / 5 hr 49 mins
188 kms / 5 hr 49 mins
197 kms / 6 hr 30 mins
198 kms
208 kms / 7 hr 9 mins
211 kms / 7 hr 9 mins
215 kms / 7 hr 9 mins
256 kms / 8 hr 19 mins
370 kms / 12 hr