Today's weather of Adi Kailash is expected to be Moderate or heavy snow showers with a maximum temperature of 4° C and a minimum temperature of -6° C. The average humidity in Adi Kailash would hover around 61%. There is 85% probability of rain in Adi Kailash today and 6.49mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The February month in Adi Kailash is generally snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in February. Most of the February month in Adi Kailash, light to heavy snowfall is received. Days are cold and nights are chilling with snow.
Adi Kailash experiences varying weather throughout the year, with cold temperatures and potential snowfall in winter, moderate temperatures in spring and autumn, and milder conditions in summer.
Adi Kailash in Summers (May to June) : During the summer months of May to June in Adi Kailash, daytime temperatures generally range from -2 to 25 degrees Celsius, with cooler nights, possibly around freezing or slightly above, especially at higher altitudes.
Adi Kailash during Winters (October to April) : During the winter months from October to April in Adi Kailash, the weather can be harsh and extremely cold. Daytime temperatures in winter may range from -22 to 16 degrees Celsius, and nighttime temperatures can drop well below freezing, reaching as low as -30 degrees Celsius or even lower. The region experiences cold temperatures and snowfall, making it challenging for travel and outdoor activities.
Adi Kailash during Monsoon (July to September) : Daytime temperatures during the monsoon months may vary, ranging from around -4 to 23 degrees Celsius, depending on the specific location and altitude. During the monsoon season, there is heavy rainfall, making it less favorable for trekking or outdoor activities. The monsoon rains can lead to slippery and muddy trails, making travel difficult.
The best time to visit Adi Kailash is during the summer months, specifically from late May to June. This timeframe provides a more pleasant climate, with temperatures ranging from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. During this period, trekking conditions are favorable as the snow has melted, rendering the trails more accessible and offering a rewarding outdoor experience.