Sri Hari Niwas is located near the Badrinath Bus Stand at Badrinath in northern state of Uttarakhand. Jolly Grant airport is the nearest airport from the hotel, which is about 320 km away whereas Rishikesh railway station is located at a distance of about 300 km from the hotel.
There are some nearby places to see from Sri Hari Niwas hotel are:- Badrinath Temple, Tapt Kund, Narad Kund, Panch Dharas, Brahma Kapal, Charanpaduka, Bhim Pul, Vyas Gufa, Vasundhara Fall.
About Hotel Sri Hari Niwas in Badrinath
Sri Hari Niwas is a budget hotel in Badrinath, situated at river bank. This hotel is very close to the temple.
Power Backup, Room Service, Running Hot Water, TV, Parking
Kids Friendly
Hotel Sri Hari Niwas
Near Old Taxi Stand,
Sri Badrinath Dham
District Chamoli,
Garhwal - 246422
Uttarakhand, India
Read the cancellation policy in detail.
Complete Information Guide of Hotel Sri Hari Niwas in Badrinath Uttarakhand. Online booking details of Sri Hari Niwas hotel with latest Packages, Tariff with 2025-2026 season and off-season Discount Offers in Badrinath. Get Badrinath Sri Hari Niwas eUttaranchal reviews, feedback, location, how to reach, room information with pictures.