Relax Inn is a newly built hotel in Mukteshwar with modern facilities at affordable cost. After the successful Relax hotel in Kathgodam, the owner launched the hotel in Mukteshwar.
List of Relax Inn hotels: Relax Inn Kathgodam, Relax Inn MukteshwarThere are total 8 rooms of different categories - (4 Deluxe Rooms + 4 Luxury Rooms) in Hotel Relax Inn (Mukteshwar). All the rooms are spacious and provide comfortable stay in Mukteshwar.
There is Family Multi Cuisine Restaurant in Hotel Relax Inn, with room service.
Parking, Restaurant, Room Service
Kids Friendly
Distance of popular places from Relax Inn Mukteshwar is: Nainital (51 Km.), Bheemtal (39 Km.), Kathgodam (65 Km.), Ranikhet (65 Km.), Jim Corbett National Park (110 Km.), Kathgodam Railway Station (65 Km.) and Pantnagar Airport (95 Kms)
Hotel Relax Inn
Uttarakhand, India
Read the cancellation policy in detail.
Complete Information Guide of Hotel Relax Inn in Mukteshwar Uttarakhand. Online booking details of Relax Inn hotel with latest Packages, Tariff with 2025-2026 season and off-season Discount Offers in Mukteshwar. Get Mukteshwar Relax Inn eUttaranchal reviews, feedback, location, how to reach, room information with pictures.