Janjehli Weather

Janjehli in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Janjehli is °C and °C respectively. The weather is generally in May and you would feel throughout the day. clothes are recommended for Janjehli in May.

Janjehli Weather in May

Weather in Janjehli

Winter Season in Janjehli: During winters, you can experience snowfall and temperature can be around freezing point, so heavy woolen clothes are required.

Summer Season in Janjehli: During summers, the climate is warm during the day but cool during the night, cottons are recommended with light woolens.

Monsoon Season in Janjehli: It is a round the year destination, however due to its remote location you can skip monsoon months.

Best time to visit Janjehli:

Throughout the year Janjehli maintains a cool and pleasant climate as being a hilly region. October to March are the best months to witness the natural beauty of Janjehli.

However, the climate is very amazing during these months.

Janjehli Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Janjehli


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in January is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in February is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in March is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in April is . The minimum and maximum temperature in April is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in May is . The minimum and maximum temperature in May is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in June is . The minimum and maximum temperature in June is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in July is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in Aug is . The minimum and maximum temperature in August is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in September is . The minimum and maximum temperature in September is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in October is . The minimum and maximum temperature in October is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in November is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Janjehli in December is . The minimum and maximum temperature in December is and respectively.